They told me that last year there were 40,000 folks who made the run from all over the Metroplex to the convention center in Arlington, TX...but I had to see the hole in the palms for myself!
I'm told over 50,000 like-minded souls braved an early morning chill that eventually turned into just another beautiful day in paradise for a ride that benefitted some who'll never be able to understand the generosity and sacrifice people have made on their behalf for 20 years in Texas. Sunday was one of those days when you said a little thank you to God for inventing leather and long-johns!
The cool thing for me was how I was welcomed into this riding community, and accepted as an equal and a brother. Plus...all of those KZPS Biker Nights gave me a chance to meet people who also support these events eagerly.
I can't begin to tell you how jazzed I am about the 2006 riding season in Dallas/Fort Worth. Just from the folks I met on the Big Texas Toy Run, I know that it'll be a great year.